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Role of Diet in Gastroesophalgeal Reflux Disease.   | Tejasvini Kerala Ayurveda | Gerd treatment in tricity,  Gerd treatment in मोहाली,  Gerd treatment in Mohali,  Gerd treatment in Chandigarh  - GL80709

Gastroesophageal reflux disease ( GERD) is estimated to affect approximately 1/3 rd of the population, worldwide. Although genetic factors, central adiposity, and smoking are the common risk factors for GERD, diet is also considered to play a major role. Hence sometimes a dietry modifications is recommended in manegement of the condition.

Gastroesophageal reflux  disease ( GERD)  is estimated to affect approximately 1/3 rd of the population,  worldwide.  Although genetic factors,  central adiposity,  and smoking are the common risk factors for GERD,  diet is also considered to play a major role.  Hence sometimes a dietry modifications is recommended in manegement of the condition.  

Macronutrients and Gerd 

Role of macronutrients especially fts and carbohydrates,  in GERD has been studied well. 

Fats are calorically dense macronutrients and require secreations of bile salts and cholecystokinin,  whivh may irritate esophagus. Its believed that high fat diet that may include oily food worsens GERD symptoms. 

Carbohydrates are difficult to digest and affects gastrointestinal processing. Diasaccharides and starch are partially digested in stomach and fermented by colonic becteria. Fermentation process results in relaxation of esophageal sphincter,  which further leads to heart burn. 

Dietary Modifications 

1. Avoid spicy foods 

Some food trigger GERD.  CHOCOLATE  contains both cocoa and caffeine which contributes to lower esophageal sphincter relaxation. Spicy foods irritates esophageal mucosa. 

2. Avoid acidic and alcholic beverages.

Acidic beverages worsens GERD. It reduces ph of refluxed stomach and increase esophageal clearance time. 

3. Change food consumption pattern. 

It is recommended to avoid late night eating and consumption of eating large size calorie rich food. Early dinner correlates with an increase nocturnal ph and reduced reflux episodes. 

           While dietry modifications coukd play a significant role in management of GERD. It work best when combined with lifestyle modifications such as cessation of smoking. 

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